Matrify Server

Installation guide

This article contains information about installing and maintaining the downloadable Matrify Server software on the user's hardware (on-premises).

Before following the steps below make sure that you have backups of your system.

Please note that misconfiguration can lead to security risks. It is in your responsibility to install this software in a secure way.


Request the download link on the Download page.


Download the zip-archive. Extract the archive in a folder of your choice, e.g. in the user's home directory <home directory>/matrify .

Archive contents

  • / start.bat - Script to start the server.
  • / stop.bat - Script to stop the server.
  • matrify-server-x.x.x.x/ - The Matrify Server software.
  • data/ - The folder containing the configuration, database files and logs.
    • - Configuration file
    • *.lic - License file (optional)
  • jre1.x.x_xx/ - Java Runtime Environment

Starting the server

To start the Matrify Server change into the installation directory, e.g. <home directory>/matrify , and execute ./ in a terminal window.

In order to start the server in a remote terminal session and keep it running after logout execute the command nohup ./ & .


Check if everything is working by opening the following link in your browser:

Login with the username admin and the default server password re6ma8to to create an account.

The URL above is only working, if the Matrify Server and Client (your Browser) are running on the same system and the default configuration has not been changed!

If you changed the configuration or the server software is running on another system, adjust the URL accordingly, e.g. to or http://matrify.local/app .

Stopping the server

To stop the Matrify Server change into the installation directory, e.g. <home directory>/matrify , and execute ./ in a terminal window.


Congratulation, this is all you need to run the Matrify Server on your local system.

However, if you want to install the Matrify Server on another system, please continue reading.

Further configuration

Configure your Matrify Server instance by adjusting the configration file.

Default configuration:

        ### Matrify Server Configuration ###
        # IP address/hostname the server
        # Port number of the web service
        # IPs that are allowed to access the server
        # e.g. ALL       -> everyone
        # e.g. -> only localhost
        # e.g. 192.168   -> IP range
        # Server password (at least 8 characters)
        # Configure SSL encryption
        # Path to the JKS file; if no path is given the file is supposed to be in the data directory
        # For Windows OS use double back slashes (e.g. c:\\test\\yourkeystore.jks)
        #SSL_JKS_PATH=[path to jks-file]
        # Password for the JKS
        # Password for the key inside the JKS

The IP address or hostname to access the sever. The default value works only, if the server and client (user's browser) are running on the same system. An example of a typical intranet setup could be or better matrify.local .

The port the Matrify Server is listening on.

Please note that the standard ports 80(http) and 443(https) are usually not usable by non-root users on Linux/Mac for security reasons. In order to use those ports anyway you can configure a proxy (e.g. Apache, Nginx) or your firewall to forward requests to the used port number.


Restrict the IP addresses that can access the Matrify Server.

The default configuration does only allow connections from localhost (server and browser on the same system). If you install the Matrify Server software on another system adjust the value accordingly. A typical value to allow only users on your local intranet to access ther Matrify Server could be 192.168 to allow IPs in the range to connect. To allow everyone to connect set the value to ALL .

The administration password for the Matrify Server. On the login page the username admin with this password allows you to create new accounts, remove accounts and change the password of existing accounts.
The password does also allow you to log into any account as an administrator using the email address for the specific account.
SSL/TLS can be activated to encrypt the traffic sent between client (user's browser) and the Matrify Server. Value can be ON or OFF . If set to ON a Java KeyStore (JKS) file must be provided and the properties SSL_JKS_PATH , SSL_JKS_PASSWORD and SSL_KEY_PASSWORD must be set accordingly.

License file

Without a license file Matrify is starting in the Matrify Basic edition, which is limited to 5 users/seats and 500 records.

In case you have a valid license file (*.lic), just put it into the data folder and Matrify Server will start in the Matrify Pro edition.


If you have any questions or feedback contact:

To purchase a license key contact: